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Indeed, there is no written in the Bible that Christians are prohibited from smoking and the reasons. But with the Word of God says our body is a temple of GOD. This means that our bodies holy and not littered with much less broken. 

According to the Encyclopedia AMERICANA No 26 page 800 is written that the tobacco grown by American Indians before the Europeans went to the New world. 

Columbus noted that the Indians used to smoke tobacco, chew and inhale. Smoking was introduced to Spain and Portugal in 1550 by a sailor who returned from the New world.

So it is natural that in the Bible there is no prohibition to smoke however there are several verses in the Bible that can be biological brothers and absorb its meaning is as follows: 

Yesaya55: 2: "Why do ye spend money for something that is not bread, and your labor wages for something that is not filling? Listen to me ye shall eat the good and you will enjoy the most delicious dish. 

Markus7: 20: he says (Jesus) again: "What comes out of someone, that's what defile." Cigarette smoke that comes out is very detrimental to people who are around and more dangerous than people who smoked cigarettes. 

Corinthians 3:16-17: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If there are people who destroy the temple of God, God will destroy him. Because the temple is holy, and ye are the temple of God . 'With the smoking man destroy his body is slowly but surely. Medical science has explored and reported that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, bronchitis and other diseases. If tobacco already existed at the time of Jesus, I believe Jesus would prohibit smoking. If the physician already banned let alone the world's only Jesus that we know as a physician on top of all physicians, would forbid his people to smoke. 

Matthew 16:9: "Tell Me I will give the key of the Kingdom of Heaven. What are you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven, and what you remove in the world will be released in heaven." The verse is not only to untangle cigarettes but also other bonds such as alcohol, narcotic drugs, marijuana, and other legally binding negative. 

See also Job 20 :12-16 

Smoking is no other waste of money received from God through His people to buy cigarettes for the enjoyment of meat that damage his own health. There are people taking the law "excess" which any excess is not good, as well as with cigarettes. But for God's law is not applicable. Sin is still sin and stain permanent stains. Unable to say if a little is okay. 

Be assured that God release you from smoking, then God also release you from bad habits that you used to do before God to touch you. Fully realize that all you get especially health occurs not because of strong and your greatness, but because of the prayers of those around you who love you. Then, why you do not love yourself? 

Surely God's hand is not long enough to save and hearing no less keen to hear. (Isaiah 55: 1). Therefore, ask Him for help for you apart from the shackles of cigarettes. 

Be assured the Lord Jesus Christ can do anything and certainly will grant our prayers that we prayed when we pleaded earnestly heartfelt and sincere motivation. 

However, Catholic moral encourages us to reduce even totally non-smoking. What are the reasons? What is its biblical basis? Its foundation is the Lord has given life to us, then we must keep and maintain it with the best. The command "Thou shalt not kill" when formulated in a positive meaning "life guard". Is not smoking that are clearly detrimental to health that includes custom contrary to the spirit of maintaining health?


Blogger mengatakan... 14 Juli 2017 pukul 20.38

Are you paying over $5 per pack of cigarettes? I buy all my cigs from Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 70% on cigs.

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