Tobacco Processing, Up to Become Cigarette

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1. Tobacco plants when I was in the rice fields before harvest. So when the tobacco crop ready for harvest about 3 months of age been able to harvest, but the quality is not good.

2. After existing in the rice plants are picked and then laid out and wrapped itself dg tobacco is stored until the tobacco leaf yellowing. Means are ready cut.

3. Chopped (cut). There are two ways, first using the manual labor of people with a knife who quite big n heavy, typically weighing 2-3 kg knife. There is also a slaughtering machine wear. But the pieces still look fine to use manual, because the cut pake feeling (LOL).

4. Dried. Drying is one of the most crucial thing, because it deals directly with the hot sun. reply to the tobacco does not dry or rain it was almost certain to lose, because not sell.

5. Rolled. Tobacco is already dry it and then at night in aerated, kept rolled up,. Aerated point is that tobacco is already dry it does not crumble.

6. After tobacco rolled up, then the next step is to enter into a basket of dried tobacco. aims for tobacco is not damp and simplify the sales process to the middlemen.

7. Sale on middlemen. Once inside the middleman, tobacco was brought to the cigarette factories. Here are selected first tobacco gan, judging its quality, determined the price. The problem of determining the price of the factory, farmers can not do much .

8. Once inside the factory, cigarettes began to be made. here is also one of careful direction for the factory. before it rolled into cigarettes, tobacco and clove mixed first dg sauces, ingredients to scent the smell of tobacco. The secret of the company are here, should not be leaking. The pay is embarrassing to the distinguished expensive job mixing the dough cigarettes, I do not understand exactly. just for the tester, which determine the aroma and taste just right or not.

9. After the packing, mica Rooms begin to be distributed to consumer.

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