Female Smokers, Stop Now

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Women who smoke are likely to begin to enter menopause before age 45 years and also make them face the risk of osteoporosis and heart attacks, so some researchers report Norway.

"Among many as 2123 women aged 59 to 60 years, those who currently smoked, 59% more likely to experience premature menopause compared with women who did not smoke," said Dr. Thea F. Mikkelsen of the University of Oslo and colleagues. 

For the heaviest smokers, the risk of early menopause was nearly doubled. However, women who used to smoke, but quit at least 10 years before menopause, were substantially less likely to stop menstruating compared with smokers before age 45.

There is evidence that smoking later in life makes a woman more likely to experience premature menopause, while smokers who quit before middle age may not be affected, Mikkelsen and his team in the online journal, BMC Public Health.

They investigated the relationship further and determine whether exposure to secondhand smoke might also influence the timing of menopause. The researchers found that nearly 10% of women entering menopause before age 45. 

But women who had quit smoking at least a decade, before menopause were 87% more likely than their peers who currently smoked and had an early menopause. 

Compared with married women, widows were also at increased risk of premature menopause, as were women who said their health conditions worse. Women are more educated are less likely to enter premature menopause, but they are also less likely to be smokers. 

Involvement in social activities also reduce the risk of premature menopause. The researchers found no link between coffee or alcohol consumption or passive smoking with risk of premature menopause. 

"The sooner a woman stops smoking," said Mikkelsen and his team, "More protection she has received in connection with the arrival of early menopause."

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