You definitely surprised when I read the title of this news. Just likemy surprise when I first read from the source. I am aware ofnegative information about Smoking and Smoking habits alreadycrammed to us long ago. Most link the adverse effects of cigarette smoke and substances contained therein on the health of the human body. Information is received by the wider community thatlay on the research and study as absolute truth that does not need to be debated.
But not so with the scientists. In accordance with the field of science they conduct research about the impact of Smoking andSmoking for health with the departure from a neutral premise. They tried to dig there any benefits of the substances contained in acigarette to human health, which has already given the widespreadnegative stigma.
This news certainly did not intend to invite you to start Smoking orcontinue your habit of sucking smoke tobacco. But it is your right tobelieve or not that nicotine and other substances which are alsoderived from nature and are in cigarettes also have utility.
Here's some research that reveals the benefits of Smoking tohuman health. I am not a doctor or a researcher in health, so thescientific discussion about the contents of this news could bedebated by the experts themselves.
1. Smoking Reduces Risk of Parkinson's
Much evidence suggests that Smoking against Parkinson's disease. A new study adds strong evidence that reported previously that Smoking may protect humans from Parkinson's disease. In particular, new research shows the temporal relationship between Smoking and reduced risk of Parkinson's disease. This means that a protective effect against Parkinson reduced after smokers stop Smoking.
Other studies regarding the positive effects of Smoking on Parkinson Desease (PD) is a study of 113 male twin pairs. The research team led by Dr. Tanner continues to see significant differences when the dose was calculated to 10 or 20 years before diagnosis. They concluded that these findings refute the claim that people who smoke tend to have PD. There are many other studies on Smoking habits are useful against Parkinson's.]
2. Smokers are more powerful and speedy recovery from heart attack and stroke
Another large study showed the benefits of Smoking, the benefits of restenosis, or narrowing of blood vessels that cause blood flow to be limited, such as blood vessels to the heart (cardiovascular disease) or to the brain (stroke) Smokers have a better chance of survival and healing more fast.
Other studies mention krbon mnoksida can reduce heart attacks and strokes. Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of tobacco smoke.A report shows very low levels of carbon monoxide to help the victims of heart attacks and strokes. Carbon monoxide inhibits blood clotting, which dissolve dangerous clots in the arteries. The researchers focused on the close resemblance between the carbon monoxide with nitric oxide that keeps blood vessels dilated and prevent the buildup of fixed white blood cells. Recently, nitric oxide has enhanced the status of regular air pollutants become the second most important physiological link internally. It is therefore not surprising that carbon monoxide would be paradoxical to save the lungs from injury due to blockage of blood vessels to the heart (cardiovascular blockage).
3.Smoking reduces the risk of gum disease severe shrinkage
First mentioned that tobacco is the root of all problems of the teeth and mouth disease. Whereas one study showed that smokers actually had a lower risk of gum disease.
4. Smoking prevention for asthma and other allergic diseases
A study of two generations of Swedish residents indicated in the multi-variation analysis, some children of mothers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day tended to have lower chances to suffer from allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, allergic asthma, atopic eczema and food allergy, compared with children children of mothers who never smoked. The children of fathers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day had the same tendency.
One day Nicotine may be an alternative that surprising as a hard drug treated tuberculosis, says a researcher from the University of Central Florida (UCF). These compounds stop the growth of TB germs in a lab test, even when used only in small quantities, said Saleh Naser, an associate professor of microbiology and molecular biology at UCF. Most scientists agree that nicotine is a substance that causes people to become addicted to cigarettes.
6. Smoking is a rare skin cancer prevention
A researcher at the National Cancer Institute believes that Smoking can prevent the development of skin cancer that afflicts mainly the elderly in the Mediterranean area of Southern Italy, Greece and Israel. Not that Smoking is recommended for this population, said Dr. James Goedert, but the important thing is Smoking tobacco may help to prevent a rare form of cancer. And this is a recognition of researchers at the National Cancer Institute that there are benefits from Smoking.
7. Smoking reduces breast cancer risk
A new study in the journal of the National Cancer Institute (May 20, 1998) reported that a certain gene mutation carriers (which tend to be carriers of breast cancer), who smoked for more than 4 pack-year (ie, number of packs per day multiplied by the number of years of Smoking duration ) according to statistics was significantly decreased by 54 percent in the incidence of breast cancer compared with carriers who never smoked. One of the strengths of this study is that the decline in the incidence of exceeding the threshold of 50 percent.
8. Nitric Oxide in reducing nicotine colitis
Nicotine reduces the circular muscle activity, particularly through the release of nitric oxide, in the case of ulcerative colitis (UC) or inflammation of the intestine. These findings may explain some therapeutic benefit from nicotine (and Smoking) to UC and to explain about the driving colonic dysfunction in active disease.
9. Effects of transdermal nicotine on cognitive performance (thinking) people with Down Syndrome
A study on the effect of nicotine-agonist stimulation with 5 mg of skin tissue implants, compared with placebo (drug control), on cognitive performance in five adults with the disorder. Improvements may be related to attention and information processing seen in patients with Down Syndrome compared to healthy controls.
Down syndrome is a disease caused by abnormalities in chromosome 21 at band Q22 SLC5A3 gene, which can be recognized by looking at a fairly typical clinical manifestations. Disorders that affect the physical growth and mental retardation of children was first recognized in 1866 by Dr.John Longdon Down.
10. Smoking is good for pregnant women to prevent hypertension in pregnancy and maternal-child transmission of Helicobacter pylori infection
The concentration of urinary cotinine (tobacco bermetabolis in the body) confirmed reduced risk of preeclampsia with tobacco exposure Exposure. Preeclampsia is a medical condition where hypertension appears in pregnancy (pregnancy with hypertension) in collaboration with a large number of proteins in the urine. This study, although small, shows one benefit of Smoking during pregnancy. "These findings, obtained by using laboratory tests, confirmed the decreased risk of developing preeclampsia with tobacco exposure (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;. 181:1192-6.)
Another study found a strong inverse association between maternal Smoking mothers and Helicobacter pylori infection among preschool children, which indicated the possibility that the mother-child transmission of infection may be less efficient if the mother smokes. To evaluate this hypothesis further, conducted a population-based studies in which infection of H. pylori was measured by 13C-urea breath test (urea content in the breath test) in 947 preschool children and their mothers. We obtain detailed information about potential risk factors for infection, including maternal Smoking, using standard questionnaires. Overall, 9.8% (93 of 947) of the children and 34.7% (329 of 947) of the mothers had been infected. Prevalence (the ratio of the number of disease events with units in the population at risk) of infection is much lower among children of uninfected mothers (1.9%) than in children of infected mothers (24.7%). There is a strong inverse relationship of infection of children with mothers who smoked (adjusted odds ratio or deviation = 0.24; 95% confidence interval = 0.12 to 0.49) among the children of infected mothers, but not in among the children of infected mothers. These results support the hypothesis of a major role for maternal-child transmission of infection H. pylori, which may be less efficient if the mother smokes.
source wikimu.com
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