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The term is usually associated Herbs that are not woody plants.The use of herbs in medicine is now increasingly recognized,including its role in healing and therapy. In the world of medicinehas a broad meaning, namely any kind of plant that all partscontain one or more active ingredients that can be used as a drug(therapeutic). In another sense, also known as herbal medicinalplant that one or all parts contain a substance or substances which merit good for health. The part that referred to the leaves, stems,roots, tubers, fruit or flowers. In the herbal or medicinal plants thatcontained a collection of substances that have somepharmacological effect because the composition of the contentcontained in medicinal plant that is constructive is to be builtorgans, cells and body systems.
Tobacco (tobacco) is a kind of herbal plants. These plantsoriginated from North America and South America, by the people -the Native Americans used as a medium of medicine. Indonesian Language absorption of tobacco is a foreign language. Spanish"Tabaco" is considered as the origin of the word in the languageArawakan, in particular, in the language of the Taino in the Caribbean, mentioned refers to the roll of the leaves on this plant(according to Bartolome de Las Casas, 1552)

According to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, or "treaty"-WHO, tobacco products are the products made by using all or part of the leaf tobacco as raw material produced for use as cigarettes consumed inhow smoked , chewed, orsucked . Especially cigarette tobacco products can be shaped cigarette, cigarettes, cigars, rolled, using a pipe, tobacco is aspirated, and smokeless tobacco. In Encyclopedia notes, term paper Cigarette is a cylinder of a length of between 70 to 120 mm (varies by country) with a diameter of 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been enumerated. Tobacco crops planted worldwide in over 100 countries, with China as the largest producer, followed by the United States, Brazil, India, Zimbabwe and Turkey.

So Frezh Understanding Herbal Cigarettes (Frezh Herbal Cigarettes) is a cylinder of paper length between 70 to 120 mm, which contains the tobacco ingredient selection and some active ingredients from plants and herbs that have the effect of pharmacological substances that are useful to the body.


In a period of time, research scientists have proved that the chemicals contained in cigarette smoke (tobacco in general) hold more than 4000 chemical elements. Of the various chemical elements are largely a substance hazardous to health. Some compounds that are hazardous to health is Tar and Nicotine. Frezh Herbal Cigarettes are made from processed several herbal ingredients selected and have therapeutic properties which is processed into the tobacco blend material of choice. The mixture is able to neutralize the content of Tar and Nicotine in Cigarettes Herbal products Frezh. These compounds also function as an herb therapy non-chemical health. This herb is beneficial for blood circulation, cleanse the toxins in the body, especially in the respiratory tract, throat and lungs. 

Fresh Herbal Cigarettes have a natural composition which does not cause dependence, as often found in other products. Fresh  Herbal Cigarettes have a very very distinctive taste and original. These flavors are produced from the blending of several herbal ingredients which are mixed with tobacco ingredient selection. Therefore, by blending the produce character and unique taste and unique smoking, also adjusted to market tastes. 

Content of Tar and Nicotine contained in Fresh Herbal Cigarettes are very low. Laboratory test results showed the fact the percentage content of Nicotine in Cigarettes Frezh Herbal products are very low at 0.1% while laboratory test results for the Tar in Cigarettes Herbal Frezh showed a high rate.

The high number of Tar in Cigarettes Frezh Herbal products are not measured by the weight of the material and content of cigarette smoke toxins contained in Frezh Herbal Cigarettes, such as international measurement standards, but is measured from the content of the composition of the raw herbal Herbal Cigarettes Frezh itself. By international standards, if the value of Tar showed a high number it will cause the effects of heavy breathing, tightness and pain in the chest, on the contrary in Frezh Herbal Cigarettes Tar precisely the high number of medical therapy effect, namely by helping to reduce the toxins contained in the lung lung. Toxins are released in the form of mucus, making breathing easier.

Herbal Cigarettes Frezh herb composition itself consists of materials that contain acids and bases, resulting ashes contain ingredients that are useful. Interestingly, when perceived ash Frezh Herbal Cigarettes Cigarettes will taste delicious, because of the crystallization process of forming a salt content involved. This ash can be utilized as an external medicine that helps relieve and heal the wounds or minor complaints, by sprinkling ash Frezh Herbal Cigarettes are on minor wounds, sores, heat, itching of the skin such as exsim and help heal the hurt caused by diabetes . This is a remarkable breakthrough in the Tobacco industry, as this can provide a better option and far more healthy lifestyle community in Indonesia that has been running for this.

Evidence of content and composition of herbal raw materials from natural Cigarette HerbalFrezh can also be consumed by brewed as tea, for consumption alternative for anyone who does not smoke but want to feel the efficacy and benefits of medical therapy HerbalFrezh Cigarette. often people call herbal teas or herbal tea.

Consumption for Children (above 10 years) and adults
One rod Herbalfrezh Cigarette at Quarter cut parts, torn cigarette paper (cigarette paper and its contents discarded taken) brewed with 250ml boiling water, stirred for three minutes and then drunk. (advice taken after a meal)

Efficacy of Herbal Tea or Herbal Tea of the quarter frezh herbal cigarettes or cigarette herbalfrezh are:

1. warms the body, sweating bullets, preventing and treating colds.
2. improve stamina and immune
3. treat influenza, dizziness and migrant
4. blood circulation
5. overcome bloating and reduce nausea
6. cope with muscle pain and arthritis symptoms
7. and several other properties in accordance with the composition of the herbal ingredients contained in cigarette herbalfrezh
8. Effective Increase Vitality Men and Women
9. reduce cholesterol in the body
10. ions help restore the body after berkatifitas

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