Danger, Arab Cigarettes Shisha

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Shisha smoking is often called the Arab, because the first time carried by the countries of East-Central. Although not like smoking in general, in principle the same as smoking shisha that is enjoyed by sucking and get peace of tobacco ingredients. The difference, to inhale shisha use a special tool called Bong. Next difference, shisha lovers can get a different sensation because it is available in a variety of aromas, from fruit to many flowers. 

So Why dangerous ????
According to Anti-Tobacco Agent France (L'Office de prevention du Tabagisme Francais OFT) states: 
1. One suction shisha suction equivalent to 70 ordinary cigarettes. 
2. Tar content of smoke a shisha together with 27-102 cigarettes. 
3. Sucking a shisha just wrote by inhaling carbon monoxide equivalent to 15-52 normal cigarettes. 

Nahh .. The dangers of shisha main toxins such as CO, Tar and Nicotine is as follows: 

1. Carbon monoxide 
Carbon monoxide (CO) if inhaled into the lungs-rays will follow blood circulation and will prevent the entry of oxygen needed by the body. This can happen because the CO gas is toxic, metabolic participate reacts with the blood (hemoglobin) 

Carbon monoxide in blood (carboxy) is more stable than the bond of oxygen with the blood (oxyhemoglobin). This causes the blood to more easily capture the gases CO and cause the vital function of blood as the oxygen-carrying disrupted. 

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be characterized from mild conditions, in the form of dizziness, discomfort in the eyes, headaches, and nausea. Heavier Things can be increased heart rate, feeling depressed in the chest, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness, interference with the systems of cardiovascular, heart attack to death. 

2. Tar 
Tar is the substance of the hydrocarbons that are sticky and stick to the lungs. Tar is not a single substance, composed of hundreds of chemicals classified as toxic dark and cancer maker 

3. Nicotine 
Nicotine influences and can alter brain function and body. Nicotine makes the smoker feel relaxed and kemuadian feel more energetic and vibrant, or vice versa. This effect is commonly known as biphase effect. Unfortunately, the more a person smokes, the more feel addicted and increasing the dose also will be used. 

When someone smoked a cigarette, nicotine is absorbed in the body (blood), lacks the release of adrenaline and pemblokade of hormone insulin. Adrenaline is a hormone known as "Fight or Flight". If you love horror movies, or really like the roller-coaster ride, one must be very familiar with the effects of adrenaline, which also will experience when you smoke: 

* Rapid heartbeat 
* Increased blood pressure 
* Attraction breathing heavy and fast 

Adrenalin removed when our bodies will release glucose into the blood reserves. Then, insulin tells the body's cells to absorb the excess glucose in the blood. This effect is often referred to as hyperglycaemic, namely high levels of sugar in the blood. This is why when smoking, a person does not feel hungry and will hold to not eat for hours. More smokers found that smokers are underweight compared to overweight. 

In the long run, Nicotine can increase blood cholesterol levels, causing the smoker, although the long-stop smoking, are highly vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes. This is as a result of arterial damage in blood vessels, which one of its functions, to circulate oxygen throughout the body. 

In the brain, in response to nicotine, the brain will tell your body to make substances more endorphins. Endorphins are protein compounds that more accurately described as the body's natural pain killer. Endorphins chemical structure is not much different from the upscale painkiller such as morphine. Endorhpin can make a person feel relaxed and euphoria.

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