"Tobacco in a cigarette has been making a lot of people like them. However, behind the pleasures of a cigarette, there are many losses. Why is smoking harmful to health? What are the negative effects of smoking? "
Being in a place that is clean of cigarette smoke is very rare at this time. many people who are around us is a connoisseur of cigarettes. Even sucking on cigarettes is a life style which is popular in many countries, especially in developing countries both men and women, even including children and young adults.
What substances are found in a cigarette? Nicotine is the main substance found in cigarettes. However, more than 700 types of chemical additives used by the company the possibility to increase the pleasures of smoking cigarettes. Some materials are so toxic that even some major cigarette manufacturer will usually have a high standard for removing toxic substances is very dangerous.
Have found a lot of chemicals in cigarettes, with 40 of them are carcinogenic (can cause cancer), in which toxic substances is more available in addition to smoke, these materials can last for several hours in a room after smoking stops .
The role of nicotine and CO, these materials, as well as increased oxygen demand, also affect oxygen supply to the heart muscle (myocardial) to the disadvantage of myocardial work.
Nicotine interfere with the sympathetic nervous system due to increased myocardial oxygen demand. In addition to causing addiction, nicotine also stimulates the release of adrenaline, increased frequency of heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac oxygen demand, and cause heart rhythm disturbances. Nicotine also interfere with the work of nerves, brain, and many other parts of the body.
Nicotine activates platelets by platelet adhesion due to the emergence (coagulation) to the blood vessel walls.
Desaturasi cause carbon monoxide hemoglobin, reduced oxygen supply directly to the entire body, including myocardial tissue. CO replaces oxygen in hemoglobin place, disrupting the release of oxygen, and accelerates atherosclerosis (calcification / thickening of blood vessel walls). Thus, the CO decreased exercise capacity, increased blood viscosity, thus facilitating blood clotting.
Nicotine, CO, and other substances in cigarette smoke damage the endothelium is proven (in the blood vessel wall), and facilitate the emergence of blood coagulation.
In addition, cigarette smoke affect the lipid profile. Compared with non-smokers, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride blood of smokers is higher, whereas HDL cholesterol is lower.
Passive smokers could get a terrible negative impact if they are inhaled cigarette smoke.
In addition, cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, including arsenic, acetone, butane, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers and passive smokers will contain 43 substances known to cause cancer. That is why the passive smokers can get a terrible negative impact if they are inhaled cigarette smoke.
What are the consequences of a lifestyle that is damaging their health? What are the diseases caused by smoking? Here are some diseases and the negative effects caused by smoking:
1. Heart Disease
Cigarettes are also a major cause of heart attacks. The death of a smoker from heart disease more than the deaths from lung cancer. Even low-tar cigarettes or low-nicotine did not reduce the risk of heart disease. Because some of the cigarettes that use the filter to increase the amount of carbon monoxide is inhaled, which makes cigarettes are even worse for heart than smoking does not use filters.
Nicotine contained in cigarette can make your heart pounding faster and your body will increase the need for oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide which is toxic. These toxic substances, and walk towards the actual blocking of blood flow and oxygen flow to the heart and other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow the blood vessels so it slows the flow of oxygen. That's why smokers have a risk of heart disease is very high.
2. Lung Cancer
Cigarette smoke from tobacco contains many chemicals cause cancer. That sucked the smoke contains many chemicals that can damage the lungs. These substances can lead to cancer, especially in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer occurs in the body quietly until a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.
3. Emphysema
Heavy smokers who have many years to have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease that will gradually make the lungs lose elasticity. If the lungs lose keelastikannya, it will be difficult to remove the dirty air. Signs were started having trouble breathing in the morning and evening. So easy to blow. Other signs are often experiencing severe flu, accompanied by a severe cough, possibly with chronic bronchitis. His cough is often times do not stop and become chronic.
4. More Restless
The research result shows that smokers face the men and women smokers wrinkles faster than those who do not smoke. The process of aging is increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. Research shows that heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times more than those who do not smoke. Even the aging process has begun for young adults who smoke, such as skin wrinkles, yellowed teeth, and breath smells.
5. Body Damage
The negative impact of smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, heart, and respiratory tract. Smoking habits according to research can damage other body tissues. Dozens of diseases associated with tobacco use and even includes pneumonia (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The cause for toxicity of cigarette smoke to spread to any of the blood flow. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body.
Are you aware of the dangers of smoking? A result of smoking to health body is really harmful. After reading these facts, what are you going to be like that even though smokers have read so many horrible facts relating to smoking and then decided to stop reading the article? Or you dare to say no to cigarettes?
It has been an effort to stop the smoking habit should be the duty and responsibility from all walks of life.
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