Many smokers complain about how difficult it is to stop smoking. The greatest temptation is not able to resist the desire to smoke again.
when the urge to smoke arises, someone will do all the way back for not smoking. every time someone managed to reject a desire, then it is a step closer to quitting smoking.
There are some ways to fight or to quit smoking, namely:
1. Try to delay smoking desire
If appears the desire to smoke, try to tell myself to put it off a few more minutes. Then do something to distract. This simple trick powerful enough to refrain from smoking. Repeat as often as possible with the increase in time.
2. Do not allow yourself smoking a stick
One might be tempted to smoke a stick to stop the desire to appear. But do not fool yourself, because most people are not able to stop at a cigarette so it failed to stop normally.
3. Avoiding triggered
Find out what kind of condition or situation which makes the urge to smoke appeared, making it easier for him to avoid the condition. If current smoking habits appeared to speak on the phone, then hold a pen and paper for scratch-scratch instead of cigarettes.
4. Do some physical activity
Physical activity can help to divert attention and reduce the intensity of the drives that appear. With physical activity for 30 minutes can be very helpful. Cobalaqh going out for walks, jogging, cleaning the house or using a ladder while at work.
5. Perform relaxation technique
Overcoming the desire to quit smoking can make a very stressful, because smoking is usually considered a good remedy stress. Therefore, try doing relaxation techniques, such as breathing techniques, muscle relaxation, yoga, hypnosis, or massage to cope with the stress that appears.
6. Seek the help of those closest
Seek support from those around the family, friends, or join support group, for example by walking together, sharing laughter, or listen to the experiences that have successfully quit smoking.
7. Remember the benefits gained if quit smoking
Write down or say out loud the reasons and benefits are available if you stop smoking. This would make a person feel better, more healthy, loving yourself and add savings.
8. Join Community
Join the community or join in some forums that have a goal of Stop Smoking, and to get a few tips to quit smoking. like for example quit smoking Quit Smoking Without Tapping
9. Try a replacement therapy for smoking
Try to find a replacement therapies and tobacco use as plaster or other tools to solve the motivation to quit smoking. If the higher rate of addiction is, it sometimes needed the help of drugs.
10. eat or put something
Give something that can be chewed by mouth, such as chewing gum, candy mint or find other healthy snacks that can satisfy your mouth when you chew or suck.
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